Monday, May 23, 2011

A Bit Of Information Involving ISO Standard 14001

A Bit Of Information Involving ISO Standard 14001
By David B Smith

In the world of standards one of the most recognized is ISO standard 14001 which is found all over the world. This is because it deals with environmental issues and how different companies are impacting their surroundings. Additionally it is used to help modify and critique the ways a company uses energy and deals with their waste disposal and handling.

This standard was designed to provide companies with a system to monitor day to day operations and work to improve them. A business is able to use this system to create new policies that can be implemented throughout a corporation and help the business become more efficient. Some of these improvements include worker efficiency and reduced energy consumption that leads to overall savings in the end.

The companies whom decide to pursue this type of certification are ones that wish to implement and maintain an environmental managing system. Also the certification is designed to assure the company that they are conforming to the policies and procedures they created. The system also ensures they are complying with environmental laws and regulations and are able to demonstrate their conformance.

The purpose of this system is to provide the creators with a framework for creating a working design. The framework is used to incorporate rules and regulations that can be adhered to in order to reduce consumption and waste within a business. Using this type of system will provide an outline for creating plans, policies and actions.

In order to provide a generalized outline the requirements are very generic in their forms. They can be used by any company regardless of the business type and helps to create a common point of reference. The reference point can then be accessed by customers, share holders, the public and other organizations as well.

In order to begin implementing this system a company will be required to evaluate the effect they have on the environment. Then they will need to determine workable solutions for reducing the effects by creating policies and procedures. Finally identification of the boundaries for the management system must be created and the procedures will need to be documented in preparation for implementation.

When all of the documentation for the policies and procedures has been completed an internal audit is required. The auditing process will review the new documentation and observe the procedures while they are in place and if a company is already 9001 series certified they may be able to integrate this system into an existing one. Being certified also covers a lot of the initial requirements as well and if they are not covered they can be added to the new system with little effort.

After the internal audit has been completed, a third party external audit has to be performed by an accredited company. The external audit will be conducted similar to an internal one, meaning the documentation will be reviewed extensively and the system will be monitored. A company who successfully completes external audit will be awarded their ISO standard 14001 certification.

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A Bit Of Information Involving ISO Standard 14001


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