Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Choosing Of Philadelphia Sports Apparel

The Choosing Of Philadelphia Sports Apparel
By Melva Pena

When choosing Philadelphia sports apparel for athletes in a team setting, you'll want to think of the important characteristics of the apparel so that the color and style chosen will fit all the members of your sport team.

Colors and types of apparel may seem obvious at first, but as you think about your athlete(s) you'll want to consider sizes, fabrics used, the sport that will be played, the weather the athlete will be playing in and what is needed to keep your athlete performing at the highest level possible.

Size, for instance, may seem like an easy thing to think about, but if you take into consideration that fact that padding is involved, such as in football, you may find size to be more that you originally thought. For instance, a 6 foot, 200 pound man who is a punter will have a much different sized jersey than a 6 foot, 200 pound man who is a running back. This is due to the fact that punters where little padding, while running backs where a plethora of padding. Synthetic fabric will make it easy to stretch over the padding, but different sizing will more than likely be required.

Home game apparel will normally show off your teams colors, while away game apparel will be something different to separate you from the home team. These days, there is a third option, the alternate jersey. All of your apparel should use the same color palette, but highlight a different color. For instance, midnight green with white for home games, and white with midnight green for away games.

There is much more to consider than just the jerseys your athletes wear on the field of play. If your sport, such as football, has separate squads (offense, defense, special teams) then you'll have many athletes on the sidelines for different durations during the game. You'll want to keep your team thinking about the game and not about staying warm and dry, so you'll want to consider jackets, hats, caps and other types of apparel not used on the field. Not only to keep your team warm, but keeping them from cooling off too quickly, which could cause performance issues.

For those teams that are out in the elements, you'll definitely want to consider fabric protection that repels water and stains. You don't want your team to be caught in the elements while your competition is on the other side of the field, warm and cozy and playing at a higher level because of it.

Philadelphia sports apparel factors and considerations are not as difficult as it may seem. You really only need to think of three things when choosing your athletes apparel. Weather is the first and needs to be thought of through the entire season. Color is important and don't forget your alternate jersey. Lastly, the on and off the field apparel is important to keep your athlete warm and dry and performing at a high level.

Philadelphia sports apparel

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The Choosing Of Philadelphia Sports Apparel


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