Voodoo originated in Africa. It is a mysterious and highly powerful magical arts that depend on nature and the spirits in nature. Voodoo literally means "spirit of God". The voodoo practitioners believe that one God exists. But unlike any other God believed by many other culture, this God is someone who don't directly preside over earthly matters. He just allows the spirits (called as loa) to take control over man's life. They are the ones who are in control of man's daily existence. The loas are the ones called upon to aid the voodoo practitioner whenever they are performing the magical spells.
Voodoo flourished in the West because its original believers in Africa became the slaves of the white men. It eventually spread into USA and New Orleans became notably known to be the home of many voodoo practitioners during the 1800s. The most notably known voodoo queen is Queen Marie Laveau. Voodoo is quite a flexible faith, and so Marie Laveau mixed it with her Catholic faith. She was very known to be a benevolent woman who helped many poor people, especially the blacks and she was highly praised by the people. There are some who gets goosebumps whenever her name is mentioned though. She also had a daughter whose name was Marie, and she became well known as Marie Laveau II. She carried on her mother's tradition.
Given the legend of the original Marie Leveau and her daughter, we can conclude safely that voodoo can be used for both evil and good intentions. The danger with using voodoo for harmful intentions is that there is always a backfire that awaits all of those who engage in it. Even with the presence of protection spells, voodoo believers believe in karma, and highly adheres to taking responsibility for all their actions.
The voodoo doll is one of the most important part of doing voodoo. This is because it can be used both as a lucky charm and as a representative of a person to whom a spell will be cast. In the past, when voodoo was only practiced for good intentions only. There were many voodoo healing spells that were performed for those sick people who cannot directly attend the ceremony itself. When the slavery of the blacks began, voodoo became widely practiced as a means to avenge themselves from their white oppressors. We really cannot blame the blacks for this practice since they were the maltreated persons in this case.
The original purpose of how to do voodoo was never meant to hurt others. In fact, it is still greatly discouraged by the voodoo priests since they believe in the law of sowing and reaping. If you sow evil, it will return and if you sow good, it will return. The misconception that voodoo is limited only to voodoo dolls are pathetic since there are still many other aspects to consider on voodoo.
Voodoo flourished in the West because its original believers in Africa became the slaves of the white men. It eventually spread into USA and New Orleans became notably known to be the home of many voodoo practitioners during the 1800s. The most notably known voodoo queen is Queen Marie Laveau. Voodoo is quite a flexible faith, and so Marie Laveau mixed it with her Catholic faith. She was very known to be a benevolent woman who helped many poor people, especially the blacks and she was highly praised by the people. There are some who gets goosebumps whenever her name is mentioned though. She also had a daughter whose name was Marie, and she became well known as Marie Laveau II. She carried on her mother's tradition.
Given the legend of the original Marie Leveau and her daughter, we can conclude safely that voodoo can be used for both evil and good intentions. The danger with using voodoo for harmful intentions is that there is always a backfire that awaits all of those who engage in it. Even with the presence of protection spells, voodoo believers believe in karma, and highly adheres to taking responsibility for all their actions.
The voodoo doll is one of the most important part of doing voodoo. This is because it can be used both as a lucky charm and as a representative of a person to whom a spell will be cast. In the past, when voodoo was only practiced for good intentions only. There were many voodoo healing spells that were performed for those sick people who cannot directly attend the ceremony itself. When the slavery of the blacks began, voodoo became widely practiced as a means to avenge themselves from their white oppressors. We really cannot blame the blacks for this practice since they were the maltreated persons in this case.
The original purpose of how to do voodoo was never meant to hurt others. In fact, it is still greatly discouraged by the voodoo priests since they believe in the law of sowing and reaping. If you sow evil, it will return and if you sow good, it will return. The misconception that voodoo is limited only to voodoo dolls are pathetic since there are still many other aspects to consider on voodoo.
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Do you want to find out more about how to do voodoo? Click on the underlined links to find out more about voodoo dolls and acquire supernatural power, one that you find hard to achieve can eventually happen to you.
On Voodoo And Voodoo Dolls
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