Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Why Organic Food Is Actually More Desirable For Your Health?

Why Organic Food Is Actually More Desirable For Your Health?
By Gilbert Gordon

The idea of "organic food" has existed for countless years. Recently however, it is being more popular and has turned into quite a hype that's drawing many people into it. People involved in the health food business are creating huge profits during this hype as organic food costs more then the non-organic foods found in the shop. bearing that in mind, is natural foodstuff really better for us? Should we be paying out more money on food that is allegedly better for people?

Before I go ahead I wish to clarify what is meant by organic. To be considered as organic this means that there has been nothing added to it. By way of example, organic plants have always been produced without the use of pesticides, ionizing radiation, synthetic fertilizers, GM (Genetically Modified) organisms or sludge from sewers. Organic meat, dairy products and eggs have no growth hormones or antibiotics added to encourage production or growth.

The land thats used to develop organic crops will have to go through a lengthy three year process before the crops can be called organic. For the first two years the fertility of the ground will have to be built up and only after that are crops allowed to be grown. A lot of toil and time goes into organic food, therefore its no surprise that its more expensive. But, is all that challenging care worth it? Are there any other advantages of organic food?

Many folks appreciate that organic food boasts a more significant nutritional value then regular food. Researchers have learned that milk taken from cows that had been only given organic food had about 70% more Beta Carotene, 50% more Vitamin E and comprised twice as many natural antioxidants and more Omega 3 then cows that were given chemically enhanced food. Deciding to use organic food will also be beneficial to your general health and fitness because it contains no chemicals such as insecticides and other harmful substances. Furthermore, you do not run the risk of taking in cancer causing toxins which is a massive benefit to selecting organic food. The next benefit is a matter of opinion, as numerous people say organic food tastes better than non organic, but again you cannot say this as a fact since its down to ones own preferences.

Organic food is definitely also good with regard to the environment. Pesticides and insecticides have been confirmed to have a major effect on the world ecosystem and as organic food features neither of these its better for the ecosystem. Global warming has become a significant hazard to our twenty-first century society. The good thing is that organic food is not going to use chemicals so it will not create too much pollution. Organic food additionally affects the way animals are taken care of, as free range chickens are able to roam free and eat when they like whereas many normal chickens are subject to abuse, such as being crammed in cages with lots of other chickens and force fed food to fatten them up.

I personally believe that organic foods tend to be more desirable, not just for your overall health but also when it comes to the environment and the welfare of animals. Of course, as mentioned at the start, the price of organic food can be substantially higher then standard food. But always remember that when shopping on the organic market you are doing something good for yourself and for the environment so personally I feel it is a small price to pay.

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Why Organic Food Is Actually More Desirable For Your Health?


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